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CyberCAPTOR Server

[Cyber seCurity Attack graPh moniTORing - Server]

CyberCAPTOR is an implementation of the Cyber Security Generic Enabler, the future developments of the Security Monitoring GE.

NOTE : This repository was adapted to fit the needs of the DOCTOR and 5G-ENSURE projects. Namely, the container now embeds a monolithic version of CyberCAPTOR, with the API server, web client and the cyber-data-extract preprocessor. In order to complete the installation (e.g. to build the Docker container), one must initialize the cyber-data-extract and -cybercaptor-client repositories as submodules of the cybercaptor-server repository.

Table of Contents

Development Version Installation



  1. Get sources from Github
git clone
cd cybercaptor-server
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. Build the project
make clean


  1. Deploy the .war into tomcat.

Using command line

cp ./target/cybercaptor-server*.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/cybercaptor-server.war

This can also be done using the tomcat GUI manager, or with Maven's tomcat7 plugin.

  1. Link the configuration and scripts repertory and fix permissions
sudo ln -s `pwd`/configuration-files /usr/share/tomcat7/.remediation
chmod -R o+rw ./configuration-files/
sudo chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 /usr/share/tomcat7/
cd .. #Go in the parent folder of cybercaptor-server
(or make install)
  1. Copy and edit the configuration file
cp ./configuration-files/ ./configuration-files/
vim ./configuration-files/

For more details, read the documentation Installation and administration Manual.

Docker Version Deployment

Build container (optional)

  1. Get sources from Github
git clone
cd cybercaptor-server
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. Build the container
cd container
docker build -t cybercaptor-server .

Run container

If you want to run the server in foreground, launch the following command:

docker run --rm --name cybercaptor-server -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:8000 cybercapt

If you want to run the server in background, launch the following command:

docker run -d --name cybercaptor-server -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:8000 doctoranr/cybercaptor

Then, the application can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/. The web interface can be accessed at http://localhost:8000/


Go on URL : http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/initialize

If the result is {"status":"Loaded"}, the application has been properly built and installed.

For more details, read the documentation Installation and administration Manual.


Main logs files

  • /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out
  • `pwd`/configuration-files/tmp/xsb_log.txt
  • `pwd`/configuration-files/tmp/input-generation.log


API usage

Version API calls

To use the CyberCAPTOR server API, the first call to test that the server is available is

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/version/detailed

which should returns something like


Initialization calls

Before using the API to manipulate the attack graph, the attack paths, and the remediations, the first call that needs to be done is

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/initialize

which loads the topology, generates the attack graph with MulVAL and computes the attack paths.

Note that the server does not handle multiple simultaneous sessions : An initialization call overwrites the current state of the server.

It is also possible to load the topology from an XML file, or a XML string containing the XML network topology, using the POST method of the /rest/json/initialize call :

Using a XML String:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X POST -d '<topology><machine><name>linux-user-1</name><security_requirement>7</security_requirement><interfaces><interface><name>eth0</name><ipaddress></ipaddress><vlan><name>user-lan</name><label>user-lan</label></vlan></interface></interfaces><routes><route><destination></destination><mask></mask><gateway></gateway><interface>eth0</interface></route></routes></machine><machine><name>linux-user-2</name><security_requirement>30</security_requirement><interfaces><interface><name>eth0</name><ipaddress></ipaddress><vlan><name>user-lan</name><label>user-lan</label></vlan></interface></interfaces><services><service><name>mdns</name><ipaddress></ipaddress><protocol>udp</protocol><port>5353</port><vulnerabilities><vulnerability><type>remoteExploit</type><cve>CVE-2007-2446</cve><goal>privEscalation</goal><cvss>10.0</cvss></vulnerability></vulnerabilities></service></services><routes><route><destination></destination><mask></mask><gateway></gateway><interface>eth0</interface></route></routes></machine></topology>' http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/initialize

Using a XML file:

curl -X POST  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"  -F "file=@./topology.xml" http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/initialize

Attack graph, attack paths and remediation calls

Then, the calls to get the attack paths, attack graph or remediations can be used:

Get the number of attack paths:

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/attack_path/number

Get the attack path 0:

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/attack_path/0

Get the attack graph

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/attack_graph

Get the remediations for attack path 0:

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/attack_path/0/remediations

Get the XML network topology (useful for backups):

curl http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/topology

For more details, please refer to User & Programmers manual.


If you want to participate to the development of CyberCAPTOR-Server, all contributions are welcome.